Sam Cane

Full name: Samuel Jordan Cane
Born: Rotorua
Birthday: 13th January 1992
Age: 32
All Black: 1113
Last Update: 9 days ago
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Career Summary

Sam Cane bio

Sam Cane is a professional rugby player from New Zealand, born on January 13, 1992, in Rotorua. He grew up in Reporoa, a small town in the Bay of Plenty region, and attended Reporoa College, where he played rugby for the school's team.

Cane began his professional rugby career in 2010, when he was selected for the Bay of Plenty Steamers, a team in New Zealand's domestic rugby competition, the ITM Cup. He quickly established himself as a talented openside flanker and caught the attention of the Chiefs, a Super Rugby team based in Hamilton, New Zealand.

Cane made his debut for the Chiefs in 2011 and quickly became a key member of the team. He helped the Chiefs win their first Super Rugby title in 2012 and was named the New Zealand Rugby Player of the Year in 2015.

In addition to his success with the Chiefs, Cane has also been a regular member of the New Zealand national rugby team, the All Blacks, since 2012. He made his debut for the team in June of that year, against Ireland in Auckland, and has since played in over 70 test matches.

Cane is known for his tough, physical style of play, and his exceptional skills as a ball carrier, tackler, and breakdown specialist. He is widely regarded as one of the best openside flankers in the world and has been praised by his teammates and coaches for his leadership both on and off the field.

Off the field, Cane is known for his humility and work ethic. He is deeply committed to his family, his faith, and his community, and is actively involved in charitable organizations that support youth development and mental health awareness.

With his impressive track record and continued dedication to the sport, Sam Cane is sure to remain a force to be reckoned with in the world of rugby for many years to come.

Family: Sam Cane is the -

There are no known family connections.

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